Markhinin V.V. The Sustainable Development Concept: The Contribution of Academician V.A.Koptyug (Hannover, 2015) - [3 of 3] - Pages 25-28

Rambler's Top100

 ОбложкаVasily V. Markhinin,
Doctor of Philosophy,
Head of the Philosophy Department.
The Sustainable Development Concept:
The Contribution of Academician V.A.Koptyug.
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[23]Koptyug V.A. Should Russia Blindly Accept what America Offers?// Koptyug V.A. Science Will Save Humanity. - Novosibirsk: SB RAS SIC UIGGM Publishing House, 1997. - P.328-331. [In Russian].
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[28]Koptyug V.A. The Earth in Search of Equilibrium // Soviet Russia. - 1993, April 24. [In Russian].
[29]Koptyug V.A. The Choice of a Goal and the Path Toward It // Zavtra. - 1995, Issue 16. [In Russian].
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[33]Koptyug V.A. Summary of the UN Conference on the Environment and Development // Koptyug V.A. Selected Works. - Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 2006. V.4. - P.312-324. [In Russian].
[34]Koptyug V.A. What Do We Want to Build? Address at the National Economic Meeting // Soviet Siberia, August 13, 1993. [In Russian].
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[36]Koptyug V.A. On the Concept of Transition of the Russian Federation to the Sustainable Development Model // «Science in Siberia», 1995, Issue 8, February. [In Russian].
[37]Putin V.V. Building Justice. Social Policy for Russia // Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2012, February 13. [In Russian].
Europäische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften
Gegründet 2002
Vorstand und Beirat
    1. Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. V. Tyminskiy
    2. Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. A. Gorbunov
    3. Vorsitzender Prof. A. Marschan
    Prof. Dr. V. Tyminskiy
    Prof. Dr. med. K Matkovski
    Prof. Dr. B Rimantas
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