Alluvial archaeology in Europe

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Alluvial archaeology in Europe: proc. of the Alluvial Archaeology of North-West Europe and Mediterranean, 18-19 December 2000, Leeds, UK / ed. by Howard A.J., Macklin M.G., Passmore D.G. - Lisse; Exton: Balkema, 2003. - 313 p. - ISBN 90-5809-561-4.

  Preface ...................................................................... IX

  Acknowledgements ............................................................. XI

  Part 1: Overview

  The condition of Holocene alluvial archaeology in the UK: progress,
  constraints and opportunities ................................................. 3
  M.G.Macklin, A.J.Howard and D.G.Passmore

  Time, space and causality in floodplain palaeoecology ........................ 15

  Part 2: Landscape reconstruction: UK perspectives

  Hemington Quarry, Castle Donington, Leicestershire, UK: a decade beneath
  the alluvium in the confluence zone .......................................... 27

  Palaeoenvironmental investigations on the middle Thames at Dorney, UK ........ 43
  A.G.Parker and M.A.Robinson

  From prediction to prospection: finding prehistory on London's river ......... 61

  Geoarchaeological evidence for Holocene landscape evolution in the Hull
  Valley, eastern England, UK .................................................. 69
  M.C.Lillie, B.R.Gearey and H.P.Chapman

  Holocene landscape change in the lower Great Ouse valley, Cambridgeshire,
  England ...................................................................... 81
  C.A.I.French and J.Heathcote

  The environmental archaeology of the Late Bronze Age occupation platform
  at Shinewater, near Eastbourne, UK ........................................... 93
  S.Jennings, C.Greatorex, C.Smyth and G.Spurr

  Why build in a Scottish firth? An assessment of the topographic and
  environmental conditions that were prevalent for the building of a marine
  crannog in north-east Scotland .............................................. 111

  Part 3: Floodplain management of archaeology:
  UK perspectives

  Issues and agenda in archaeological research and management: a case study
  from the Trent Valley, UK ................................................... 123

  The London Thames: a decade of research into the river and its floodplain ... 133

  Part 4: Landscape reconstruction: Northern European

  Landscape evolution and site formation of two mesolithic sites in
  the lower Rhine-Meuse delta (Hardinxveld, The Netherlands) .................. 147

  Fluvial metamorphosis of the River Loire during the Holocene: and the role
  of natural and anthropogenic factors: a case study from the area of Tours,
  France ...................................................................... 163
  J.Burnouf, N.Carcaud, M.Garcin, D.Giot, H.Galinie, X.Rodier,
  O.Marlet, Ch.Blin and Ch.Taberly

  The geomorphological setting and reconstruction of a late Roman Bridge
  at Cuijk, The Netherlands ................................................... 173
  R.A.C.Kroes, H.S.M. van der Beek, R.Isarin and B.Goudswaard

  Part 5: Landscape reconstruction: Southern  European

  Quaternary alluviation and archaeology in the Evrotas Valley, southern
  Greece ...................................................................... 187
  K.N.Wilkinson and R.J.J.Pope

  Palaeoenvironment and morphodynamics in the mid-Medjerda floodplain
  (northern Tunisia) between 12000 and 2000 BP: geoarchaeological and
  geomorphological findings ................................................... 203
  C.Zielhofer and D.Faust

  The geoarchaeology of Mesolithic settlement and subsistence in the Muge
  valley Lower Tagus Basin, Portugal .......................................... 217
  T. van der Schriek, D.G.Passmore, F.Franco Mugica, A.C.Stevenson,
  I.Boomer and J.Rolao

  Holocene landscape dynamics in a Sicilian upland river valley ............... 229
  G.Ayala and C.French

  Part 6: Landscape reconstruction: Eastern European

  Preservation and prospection of alluvial archaeological resources in the
  southern Balkans: a case-study from the Teleorman river valley, southern
  Romania ..................................................................... 239
  A.J.Howard, M.G.Macklin, D.W.Bailey, R.Andreescu and S.Mills

  Sediment transfer and storage linked to Neolithic and Early Medieval soil
  erosion in the Upper Odra Basin, southern Poland ............................ 251

  Part 7: Methodological perspectives

  GIS-based modelling of sub-surface deposits for archaeological prospection
  in alluvial landscapes ...................................................... 263
  K.Challis and A.J.Howard

  Visualising the sub-surface: problems and procedures for areas of deeply
  stratified sediments ........................................................ 277

  The interpretation of Mollusca from Holocene overbank alluvium: progress
  and future directions ....................................................... 291

  Part 8: Alluvial archaeology in the USA: a perspective

  Dating late Quaternary alluvial stratigraphic sequences ..................... 305

  Author index ................................................................ 313

Вверх Alluvial archaeology in Europe: proc. of the Alluvial Archaeology of North-West Europe and Mediterranean, 18-19 December 2000, Leeds, UK / ed. by Howard A.J., Macklin M.G., Passmore D.G. - Lisse; Exton: Balkema, 2003. - 313 p. - ISBN 90-5809-561-4.

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