Science International - 1991 September, Special Issue - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Science International (ISSN 1011-6257)
  • Оглавление Спецвыпуска (Special Issue, Sep. 1991)

      ICSU: the first 60 years

        An Introductory Survey, L.Ernster, Editor-in-Chief         5
        ICSU Membership: Principles, J.W.M.Riviere                10
           Physical sciences, W.E.Gordon                          14
           Earth sciences, G.Laclavere & U.G.Cordani              15
           Biological sciences, W.J.Whelan                        17
        National Members:
           L'Academie des sciences, France, A.Guinier             19
           Science Council of Japan, M.Ito                        20
           The US National Academy of Sciences, M.M.Treichel      21
           Hungarian Academy of Sciences, I.Lang                  22
           Chilean Academy of Science, I.Saavedra                 23
        Scientific Associates:
           ICSU and the soil sciences, W.Sombroek                 24
           IATUL, D.Shaw                                          25
           ICSU and TWAS, M.H.A.Hassan                            26
           IBRO, D.Ottoson                                        27
        Common Concerns and Services
           Science teaching, J.L.Lewis                            28
           Science and technology for development, D.A.Bekoe      29
           Free circulation of scientists, O.G.Tandberg           31
           Scientific responsibility, the environment and
              responsible ethics, W.R.Shea                        33
        Global and Interdisciplinary Activities
           The International Polar Years and the
              International Geophysical Year, F.W.G.Baker         34
           The Global Atmospheric Research Programme and the
              World Climate Research Programme, R.W.Stewart       39
           The International Years of the Quiet Sun,
              W.J.Granville Beynon                                42
           The Upper Mantle Project, P.J.Hart & L.Knopoff         43
           The International Biological Programme
              E.Barton Worthington                                45
	 The ICSU / Unesco International Biosciences Networks,
              R.D.Keynes                                          47
           Data and information, S.Ruttenberg                     49
           Global change and the IGBP,
              T.F.Malone & Th.Rosswall                            50
           Environment: the catalytic role of SCOPE,
              F.Warner & G.F.White                                52
           Scientific Committee on Genetic Experimentation
              G.Bernardi                                          55
           The Earth Sciences, U.G.Cordani                        56
           ICSU and the ocean sciences, R.R.Revelle               57
           Space research, W.I.Axford                             58
           Antarctic research, C.Lorius                           59
           General principles, W.A.Rosenblith                     61
           ICSU / Unesco Cooperation, J.Marton-Lefevre            63
           ICSU and WMO, J.C.I.Dooge                              64
           The ICSU Secretariat, F.W.G.Baker &
           J.Marton-Lefevre                                       66
        Reflections on the role of ICSU in the Evolution of 
           Science and Society, M.G.K.Menon                       68

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