Chemistry International - 1993, Vol.15, No.2 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Chemistry International (ISSN 0193-6484)
  • Оглавление No.2, Vol.15 (1993)

         41     Chemistry and sustainable development: CHEMRAWN
         48     Methane in the atmosphere / Sjaak Slanina and 
                Peter Warneck
         50     Macrocyclic ligands
         53     PAC Review
         55     Provisional Recommendations
         56     Recent Reports
         57     Publications
         59     News & Views ICOS 92 / Bob Young
                Respiratory toxicology and risk assessment /
                Birger Heinzow
         63     Affilate Affairs
         64     Letter to the Editor  
         65     Commission & Committee News
         70     The Beijing Congress
         73     Conferences
         78     Conference calendar

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