Иностранные издания, поступившие в Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН в 1999 г. Навигация

Поступления 1999 г. по отраслям
Иностранные издания,
поступившие в 1999 году

Все отрасли | Естественные науки | Математика | Биология | Сельское хозяйство и медицина | Техника | Иностранные издания | Общественные науки

В конце записей жирным шрифтом указаны шифры Отделения

1. Baikal as a world natural heritage site: Results and prospects of international cooperation: International conference, Ulan-Ude, sept. 9-12, 1998: (Abstracts). - Ulan-Ude, 1998. - 88 p.


2. Europe's environment: The second assessment. A report on the changes in the pan-European environment as follow-up to Europe's environment. - Luxemburg; Oxford: Elsevier, 1998. - 293 p.


3. State of the environment: country overview Russia:[Prepared for the 4th pan Europ. conf. of environment ministers in Aarhus,Denmark, June, 1998] / Comp. by Posypkin A., Alekseev B. - S. I, 1998. - 47 p.


4. Yakubovich S.B. Index transforms. - Singapore et al.: World sci., 1996. - 248 p.


5. Blokhin A.M., Tkachev D.L. Mixed problems for the wave equation in coordinate domains. - N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, 1998. - 129 p.


6. International conference on the methods of aerophysical research 9th(ICMAR'98): Proceedings, 29 June - 3 July 1998, Novosibirsk: In 3 parts. - Pt.I. - 258 p.; Pt.II. - 229 p.; Pt.III. - 306 p.


7. Modern techniques in Raman spectroscopy / Ed. J.J.Laserna. - NY.: Wiley & Sons,1996. - 427 p.


8. Jacak L. et al. Quantum dots. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1998. - 176 p.


9. Molecular aspects of catalysis by sulfides: International conference, St. Petersburg. - Novosibirsk, 1998. - 137 p.


10. Hastings A. Population biology. Concepts and models. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1996. - 220 p., ill.


11. Heshl A. Das intelligente Genom: uber die Entstehung des menschlichen Geistes durch Mutation und Selection. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1998. - 390 s.


12. Visualization and mathematics: experiments, simulations and environments / Ed. by Hege H.-C. et al. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1997. - 386 p., ill.


13. Briscoe M.H. Preparing scientific illustrations: a guide to better posters, presentations, and publications. - 2nd ed. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1995. - 204 p.


14. McCartney J.P. et al. Handbook of transcranial doppler. - NY et al.: Springer, 1997. - 92 p.


15. Arbogast B.W., Taylor R.W. Molecular mechanisms of Preeclampsia. - New York et.al.: Springer; Austin: Landes, 1996. - 203 p.


16. Sethares W.A. Tuning, timbre, spectrum, scale. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1997. - 345 p.


17. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Critical issues for the 90s: [Proc. of an ... Symp. on antimicrobial susceptibility testing: critical issues for the 90s, held Nov. 14-15, 1991 in Philadelphia] / Ed. by Poupard, J.A. et al. - N. Y.; L.: Plenum, 1994. - 191 p.: ill. - (Advances in experimental medicine a. biology; Vol.349).

Pr 604-349

18. The Chemokines: biology of the inflammatory peptide supergene family II / Ed. by I.J.D. Lindley et al. - N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1993. - (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; V. 351).

Pr 604-351

19. Glycoimmunology / Ed. by Azita Alavi et al. - N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1995. - (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; V. 376).

Pr 604-376

20. Dendritic cells in fundamental and clinical immunology. V. 2 / Ed. by J. Banchereau et al. -N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1993. - (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; V. 378/2).

Pr 604-378/2

21. Recent advances in cellular and molecular aspects of angiotensin receptors / Ed. by M.K. Raizada et al. - N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1996. - (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; V. 396).

Pr 604-396

22. Aids, drugs of abuse, and the neuroimmune axis / Ed. by H. Friedman et al. - N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1996. - (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; V. 402).

Pr 604-402

23. Mechanisms of lymphocyte activation and immune regulation VI: cell cycle and programmed cell death in the immune system / Ed. by S. Gupta et al. - N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1996. - (Advances in experimental medicine and biology; V. 406).

Pr 604-406

24. Annual Review of Microbiology. - Vol.52. - 1997.

Pr 660-52

25. The Basal ganglia IV: new ideas and data on structure and function / Ed. by Percheron G. et al. - N.Y., L.: Plenum Press, 1994. - 616 p. - (Advances in behavioral biology; V. 41).


26. Uchida Y. Elementary proof of some theorems on strongly q-additive or q-multiplicative functions. - Tokyo: Keio univ., 1997. - 9 p. - (Keio science a. technology rep., Vol.50, N1).


27. Sitzungsberichte. Abt. I. Biologische Wissenschaften und Erdwissenschaften / Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. - Wien: Springer, 1998. - Bd. 204. - 109 S.+10 S.


28. Sitzungsberichte und Anzeiger: Abt.I: Biologische Wissenschaften und Erdwissenschaften. Abt.II: Mathematische, Physikalische und Technische Wissenschaften. - Wien, 1999. - (Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Bd.205-207. Anz.135)


29. Sitzungsberichte. Abt. II. Mathematische, Physikalische und Technische Wissenschaften / Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. - Wien: Springer, 1998. - Bd. 206. - 344 S.+16 S.


Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology:

30. Hemborg A.M. Reproductive allocation and costs of reproduction in subarctic herbs. A resource-based perspective. - Uppsala, 1998. - 35 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 367).


31. Medvedev S. Thin sheet approximation for geodynamic applications. - Uppsala, 1998. - 11 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 368).


32. Tryggvason A. Seismic tomography: Inversion for P- and S-Wave velocities. - Uppsala, 1998. - 31 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 369).

Pr 1068-369

33. Norin L. Interaction of C60 with transition metals for thin film applications. - Uppsala, 1998. - 62 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 370).

Pr 1068-370

34. Thoren P.A. Mating structure and nestmate relatedness in primitively social hymenoptera as revealed by microsatellites. - Uppsala, 1998. - 25 p. (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 371).


35. Oestlin G. On the origin and evolution of blue compact galaxies. - Uppsala, 1998. - 25 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 372).


36. Rensmo H. Dye-sensitized nanostructured metal oxide electrodes: Photoelectrochemical, quantum chemical and electron spectroscopic studies. - Uppsala, 1998. - 53 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 373).

Pr 1068-373

37. Hunter Dunn J. Very thin magnets: X-ray, lasers and spectroscopy. - Uppsala, 1998. - 95 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 374).

Pr 1068-374

38. Axen A. Bispidine derivatives as molecular tools for studies of (p-Allyl) palladium complexes: Ligand synthesis and analytical applications. - Uppsala, 1998. - 43 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 375).

Pr 1068-375

39. Ayele A. Seismicity and earthquake source mechanism study in the East African rift. - Uppsala, 1998. - 19 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 376).

Pr 1068-376

40. Carlsen H. Quantal trajactories and geometric phase. - Uppsala, 1998. - 69 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 377).

Pr 1068-377

41. Niklasson A. Magnetism in layered materials. - Uppsala, 1998. - 94 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 378).

Pr 1068-378

42. Miller S. J. Transcriptional regulation of the platelet-derived growth factor B gene. - Uppsala, 1998. - 54 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 379).


43. Koziorowski J. Radiohalogenation of biomolecules. An experimental study on radiohalogen preparation, precursor synthesis, radiolabeling and biodistribution. - Uppsala, 1998. - 57 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 380).


44. Kaellstrand B. Meso-scale atmospheric flow modifications in the Baltic Sea area. - Uppsala, 1998. - 40 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 381).

Pr 1068-381

45. Hemborg C. Reproduction and moult in pied and collared flycatchers (ficedula hypoleuca and F. albicollis). - Uppsala, 1998. - 35 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 382).


46. Lyaruu H.V. Seed dynamics and the ecological restoration of hill slopes of Kndoa Irangi, Central Tanzania. - Uppsala, 1998. - 35 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 383).


47. Nordling D. Trade-offs between life history traits and immune defence in the collared flycatcher ficedula albicollis. - Uppsala, 1998. - 43 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 384).


48. Yao Z. Seismic tomography: Algorithms and applications. - Uppsala, 1998. - 18 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 385).

Pr 1068-385

49. Lu J. Microstructure aspects of transition metal carbide thin films. - Uppsala, 1998. - 44 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 386).

Pr 1068-386

50. Hagberg L. New synthetic routes to azaspiro alkaloids: Applications to the synthesis of perhydrohistrionicotoxin. - Uppsala, 1998. - 49 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 387).

Pr 1068-387

51. Qvarnstroem A. Sexual selection in the collared flycatcher (ficedula albicollis). A life-history perspective. - Uppsala, 1998. - 33 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 388).

Pr 1068-388

52. Chaudhuri B. Structural aspects of binding and transport proteins. - Uppsala, 1998. - 49 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 389).

Pr 1068-389

53. Johansson F. The synthesis of chiral bidentate (N,N), (N,P) and (N,O) ligands and their use in metal-mediated asymmetric carbon-carbon bond formation. - Uppsala, 1998. - 51 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 390).

Pr 1068-390

54. Oxelfelt F. Hydrogenases in the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. strain PCC 73102. - Uppsala, 1998. - 63 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 391).

Pr 1068-391

55. Nygren T. Transmission of waves through elastic and viscoelastic junctions. - Uppsala, 1998. - 30 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 392).

Pr 1068-392

56. Sigrell J.A. A structural study of ribokinase from Escherichia coli. - Uppsala, 1998. - 48 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 393).

Pr 1068-393

57. Bergstad K. Molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide as mild oxidants in catalytic oxidations: Applications to palladium and osmium catalysis. - Uppsala, 1998. - 54 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 394).

Pr 1068-394

58. Jonsson T. Collective behavior of disordered magnetic systems. - Uppsala, 1998. - 52 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 395).

Pr 1068-395

59. Isidorsson J. Lithium intercalation in tin oxide films: Physics and electrochemistry. - Uppsala, 1998. - 72 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 396).

Pr 1068-396

60. Sundin S. Photoelectron spectroscopy in the vicinity of a core-ionization threshold. - Uppsala, 1998. - 69 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 397).

Pr 1068-397

61. Taegstroem P. Vapor phase deposition of WO3 and WC. - Uppsala, 1998. - 46 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 398).

Pr 1068 / 398

62. Thierfelder T.K.E. An inductive approach to the modeling of lake water quality: In dimictic, glacial/boreal lakes. - Uppsala, 1998. - 37 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 399).

Pr 1068-399

63. Pokarzhevskaya G.A. Pattern and process in Alpine communities of the Northwestern Caucasus. - Uppsala, 1998. - 30 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 400).

Pr 1068-400

64. Strandman C. Silicon micromachining with applications in microoptics. - Uppsala, 1998. - 38 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 401).

Pr 1068-401

65. Solbrand A. Charge transport in nanostructured metal oxide thin film electrodes. - Uppsala, 1998. - 57 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 402).

Pr 1068 / 402

66. Kylner A. The role of the CdS buffer layer in the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cell. - Uppsala, 1998. - 76 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 403).

Pr 1068 / 403

67. Fedorov V.B. Phylogeography and mitochondrical DNA diversity in Arctic lemmings. - Uppsala, 1998. - 40 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 404).

Pr 1068 / 404

68. Erikson R. Phytoplankton and bacterioplankton dynamics in a polymictic tropical lake. - Uppsala, 1998. - 35 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 405).

Pr 1068 / 405

69. Stenstroem D. Mating behaviour and sexual selection in non-lekking fallow deer (Dama dama). - Uppsala, 1998. - 37 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 406).

Pr 1068 / 406

70. Przybylo R. Causes and consequences of quantitative trait variation for reproductive performance in hole nesting birds. - Uppsala, 1998. - 37 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 407).

Pr 1068 / 407

71. Hammar J. Evolutionary ecology of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)). Intra- and interspecific interactions in circumpolar populations. - Uppsala, 1998. - 31 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 408).

Pr 1068-408

72. Greek S. Mechanical considerations in the design of high-precision surface micromachined devices. - Uppsala, 1998. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 409).

Pr 1068-409

73. Zomorodipour A. Mapping the Rickettsia prowazekii genome. - Uppsala, 1998. - 59 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 410).

Pr 1068-410

74. Puri N. Studies on nucleic acids chemistry . - Uppsala, 1998. - 71 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 411).

Pr 1068 / 411

75. Berg H. The ecological significance of cleistogamy. - Uppsala, 1999. - 31 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 412).

Pr 1068-412

76. Lindstrom E.S. Temporal and spatial variation in the community composition of lake bacterioplankton. - Uppsala, 1998. - 37 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 413).

Pr 1068-413

77. Nodern L. Structure studies of some ternary cooper chalcogenides. - Uppsala, 1998. - 43 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 414).

Pr 1068-414

78. Nilsson P.W. The West Ny Friesland terrane: an exhumed mid-crustal obliquely convergent orogen. - Uppsala, 1998. - 28 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 415).

Pr 1068-415

79. Thibaudeau Ch. Stereoelectronic effects in nucleosides and nucleotides. - Uppsala, 1999. - 70 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 416).

Pr 1068-416

80. Sild V. Modeling of Enzyme Kinetics on Polymeric Substrates by Simulation: Enzymatic Hydrolisis of Cellulose. - Uppsala,1999. - 54 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of sciencce a. Technology; 417).

Pr 1068-417

81. Wirde M. Thiols and disulfides self-assembled on gold, studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. - Uppsala, 1999. - 66 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 418).

Pr 1068-418

82. Gunnelin K. A soft X-ray emission study of the electronic structure of molecules. - Uppsala, 1999. - 97 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 419).

Pr 1068-419

83. Velazquez I. Proteins in Vacuo molecular dynamics studies of hen eggwhite lysozyme submitted to unfolding and relaxation conditions. - Uppsala, 1999. - 34 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 420).

Pr 1068-420

84. Martensson P. Atomic layer epitaxy of copper. - Uppsala,1999. - 45 p. .: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of sciencce a. Technology; 421)

Pr 1068-421

85. Palmgren A. Palladium(II)- catalyzed 1,4- oxidations of 1,3 - dienes: development of an asymmetric version and synthetic applications. - Uppsala, 1999. - 55 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 422).

Pr 1068-422

86. Ahlander K. An object-oriented framework for PDF solvers. - Uppsala, 1999. - 29 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 423).

Pr 1068/423

87. Ohrwall G. UV-Photoelectron spectroscopy of free atoms and molecules at near 1 meV resolution. - Uppsala,1999. - 50 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 424).

Pr 1068/424

88. Kullman L. Components of smart windows: investigations of electrochromic films, transparent couter electrodes and sputtering techniques. - Uppsala,1999. - 59 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 425).

Pr 1068/425

89. Rydin E. mobile phosphorus in lake sediments, sludge and soil: a catchment perspective. - Uppsala,1999. - 35 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 426).


90. Zamfir M. From pattern to process: studies on limestone grassland, with emphasis on the bryophyte-lichen layer and its effects on vascular plants. - Uppsala, 1999. - 55 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 427).

Pr 1068/427

91. Wiklund U. Mechanics and tribology of micro- and nanolayered PVD coating. - Uppsala,1999. - 47 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 428).

Pr 1068 / 428

92. Bergman F. Tribological nature of squealing disc brakes. - Uppsala,1999. - 55 p.: ill. (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 429).

Pr 1068/429

93. Hellqvist M. Urban and rural environments from iron age to medieval time in Northern Europe. - Uppsala, 1999. - 33 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 430).

Pr 1068/430

94. Samuelsson P. Boundary-layer structure in flow over a heterogeneous surfase. - Uppsala,1999. - 40 p.: ill. (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 431).

Pr 1068/431

95. Merilaita S. Cryptic coloration, microhabitat choice and polymorphism in Idotea baltica (Isopoda). - Uppsala, 1999. - 30 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 432).

Pr 1068/432

96. Lundqvist A. Chromatographic characterization of the human red cell glucose transporter glut1 in the cells, in membrane vesicles and in proteoliposomes. - Uppsala, 1999. - 45 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 433).

Pr 1068/433

97. Jiang F. Regulation, structure and function of glutathione reductase and its transcripional regulator NtcA from the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120. - Uppsala, 1999. - 40 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 434).

Pr 1068/434

98. Persson A. Stereo- and enantioselective synthesis using palladium, rute nium and enzyme catalysis. - Uppsala,1999. - 49 p.: ill. (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 435).

Pr 1068/435

99. Seibert J. Conseptual runoff models - fiction or representation of reality?. - Uppsala,1999. - 52 p.: ill. (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 436).

Pr 1068/436

100. Petrov A.V. Excitons in a high magnetic field. - Uppsala,1999. - 48 p.: ill. (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 437).

Pr 1068/437

101. Travnikov O. Dynamics of curved flames in compressible flows. - Uppsala,1999. - 37 p.: ill. (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 438).

Pr 1068/438

102. Palsson K. Ecology and control of Anopheles mosquitoes and human malaria in Guinea Bissau, West Africa. - Uppsala, 1999. - 41 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 439).


103. Naeslund C. Synthesis of biomolecules for nuclide therapy: studies on amino acids, nucleosides and isoquinolines. - Uppsala, 1999. - 43 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a technology; 440).


104. Persson J. On the role of morphometry in coastal ecosystem modelling and management. - Uppsala, 1999. - 36 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 441).

Pr 1068/441

105. Andersson G. Hydrogen in Ultrathin Vanadium Layers. - Uppsala, 1999. - 49 p.-(Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 442).

Pr 1068/442

106. Hyenstrand P. Factors Influencing the Success of Pelagic Cyanobacteria. - Uppsala, 1999. - 50 p.-(Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 443).

Pr 1068/443

107. Selin E. Morphometric differentiation in Papaver radicatum (Papaveraceae): Geographic pattern a. significance for refugial survival theory. - Uppsala, 1999. - 30 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 444).

Pr 1068/444

108. Jonsson L.B. Experiments and modeling of thin film processes. - Uppsala,1999. - 47 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 445).

Pr 1068/445

109. Sjoberg P.J.R. Atmospheric pressure ionisation interface considerations for micro column separation with mass spectro metric detection. - Uppsala,1999. - 36 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 446).


110. Janason K. Dynamics of complex magnetic systems. - Uppsala,1999. - 58 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 447).

Pr 1068/447

111. Goransson K. Structure and stability trends in the platinum metal-silicon systems. - Uppsala, 1999. - 48 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehen sive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 448).

Pr 1068/448

112. Bjorefors F. Fundamental investigations and applications if microelectrode based detection in flowing solutions. - Uppsala,1999. - 37 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 449).

Pr 1068/449

113. Hansson L.O. Redesign of substrate specificity of glutathione transfe rase and glutathione reductase: Enzyme engineering by directed mutagenesis, phage-display selection a. DNA shuffling. - Uppsala, 1999. - 48 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 450).

Pr 1068/450

114. Keyser P.G. Crustacean immunity: Characterization of some crayfish blood proteins. - Uppsala, 1999. - 36 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. technology; 451).

Pr 1068/451

115. Magnuson M. Electronic structure studies using resonant X-ray and photoemission spectroscopy. - Uppsala,1999. - 95 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 452).

Pr 1068/452

116. Chouliaras G. Seismic quiescence patterns and earthquake prediction research :testing hypotheses for Greece and China. - Uppsala,1999. - 12 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 453).

Pr 1068/453

117. Silvander M. Structure and stability of liposomes: Interactions with micelle-forming surfactants. - Uppsala, 1999. - 57 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 455).

Pr 1068/455

118. Thornell G. Minuscular Sculpturing. - Uppsala,1999. - 42 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 456).


119. Olofsson H. Reproductive Pattern and Offspring Performance in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). - Uppsala,1999. - 35 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 457).

Pr 1068/457

120. Halenius E. Mossbauer Spectroscopy Under High Pressures and Temperatures. - Uppsala,1999. - 17 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 458).

Pr 1068/458

121. Thun J. Studies of the Nuclear Processes of Proton Capture Photon Production and Spallation Neutron Emssion with Advanced Experimental Techniques. - Uppsala,1999. - 27 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 459).

Pr 1068/459

122. Alfredsson M. Polar Molecules in Crysstalline and Surface Environments. - Uppsala,1999. - 37 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 460).

Pr 1068/460

123. Hidalgo-Gamez A. A Study of Possible Chemical Inhomogeneities of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies and the Influence on the Z-L Relationship.- Uppsala,1999. - 26 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 461).

Pr 1068/461

124. .Quintero R. Seismptectonics and Lithospheric Structure of Costa Rica. - Uppsala,1999. - 15 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 462).


125. 125Compaunds. - Uppsala,1999. - 31 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 463).

Pr 1068/463

126. Ghebreab W. Pan-African and Red Sea Tectonics of Eastern Eritrea. - Uppsala,1999. - 23 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 464).

Pr 1068/464

127. Frimmel H. Positioning Biopsy Needles in the Prostate Gland Using 3D Computer Modelling. - Uppsala,1999. - 52 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 465).

Pr 1068/465

128. Lundqvist M. The Immunoglobulin Genes in an Actinopterygian Fish, the Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baeri). - Uppsala,1999. - 54 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 466).

Pr 1068/466

129. Sanchez-Vega M. Few Nucleon Systems at the Exotic Doubly Magic Region Sn. - Uppsala, 1999. - 54 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 467).

Pr 1068/467

130. Hasselstrom J. Application of Core Level Spectroscopy to Adsorbate and Coadsorbate Systems. - Uppsala, 1999. - 57 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 468).

Pr 1068/468

131. Fohlisch A. Probing Molecular Adsorbates with Core Level Spectroscopies. - Uppsala, 1999. - 66 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 469).

Pr 1068/469

132. Alexander IV, J.N. Novel Detection Schemes and High Resolution Separations in Microcolumn Liquid Separations. - Uppsala, 1999. - 41 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 470).

Pr 1068/470

133. Larrson T. Direct Electron Transfer between Cellobiose Dehydrogenase and Solid Metal or Graphite Electrodes. - Uppsala, 1999. - 48 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. technology,; 471).

Pr 1068/471

134. Karmhag R. Oxidation Kinetics of Nicel Particles. - Uppsala, 1999. - 143 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 472).

Pr 1068/472

135. Tars K. Structure of Small RNA Phages. Implications for Virus Assembly and Evolution. - Uppsala, 1999. - 51 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 473)

Pr 1068/353

136. Palsson S. On the Evolutionary Effects of Linkage and Deleterious Mutations in Small Populations. - Uppsala, 1999. - 51 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 474)

Pr 1068-338

137. Vangbo M. In the Structure of Microstructure Technology. - Uppsala, 1999. - 53 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. technology; 475)

Pr 1068/339

138. Hasselblad S.K.R. Optimization Methods for Sedimentation and Denitrification in Activated Sludge. - Uppsala, 1999. - 28 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 476).

Pr 1068/476

139. Andersson H.O. Structure-Aided Design of Antiviral Drugs. - Uppsala, 1999. - 50 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 477).

Pr 1068/477

140. Strom L. Effects of Coastal Forcing on Turbulence and Boundary-Layer Structure. - Uppsala, 1999. - 50 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 478).


141. Bruce S. Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. - Uppsala, 1999. - 126 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 479).

Pr 1068/479

142. Ericson C. Electrochromatography and Liquid Chromatography. - Uppsala, 1999. - 40 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 480).

Pr 1068/480

143. Wang K. Self Aggregation of Fluorocarbon Surfactants and Fluorocarbon-Hydrocarbon Surfactant Mixtures. - Uppsala, 1999. - 40 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 481).

Pr 1068/481

144. James P. Calculation of Magnetism and Its Crystal Structure Dependence. - Uppsala, 1999. - 67 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 482).

Pr 1068/482

145. Karlsson L. Local Structure in Disordered Materials Studied by Neutron Scattering and RMC Modelling. - Uppsala, 1999. - 38 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 483).

Pr 1068/483

146. Rangsten P. Microstructure Technology in Silicon, Quartz, and Diamond. - Uppsala, 1999. - 37 p.: ill. - (Acta univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive summ. of Uppsala diss. from the fac. of science a. Technology; 484).

Pr 1068/484

Turun yliopiston julkaisuja.
Sar. A.1 Astronomica - chemica - physica - mathematica:

147. Eftimova C. On spin-glass properties of the CoAIT alloy with T=Cr,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu and Pd. - Turku,1996. - 1 vol. (var. pag.).: ill. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 214).

Pr 1069/349

148. Kulmala J. Absorbed radiation dose in targeted radionuclide therapy: a method based on transversal limited-projection emission tomography. - Turku, 1997. - 93 p.: ill. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 216).

Pr 1068/350

149. Ekholm T. Cosmology in the local universe: en route to the linear Hubble law. - Turku, 1997. - 1 vol. (var. pag.): ill. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 217).

Pr 1068/351

150. Wang W.C. Selenium fertilization in Finland. - Turku, 1997. - Var. pag.: ill. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 218).

Pr 1069/218

151. Salo P. First-principles study on electronic properties and optimised geometric structure of lithium alloys and surfaces. - Turku, 1997. - 52 p. - (Turun Yliopiston Julkaisuja. Sar. A.1. Astronomica - chemica - physica - mathematica; 219).

Pr 1069/219

152. Kaurila T. Resonant photoemission studies of 3d transition metals using synchrotron radiation. - Turku,1997. - 1 vol. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 220).

Pr 1068/220

153. Helin S. Structural studies on muconate cyclosomerases. - Turku, 1997. - 223p.: ill. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 221).

Pr 1069/221

154. Jaakkola P. Industrial applications of low resolution FT-IR gas phase spectrometry. - Turku, 1997. - 115p.: ill. - (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sar. A.1, Astronomica, chemica, physica, mathematica; 222).

Pr 1069/222

155. Kartio I. Application of modern surface characterization techniques to Galena (PbS) and Sphalerite (ZnS) under conditions relevant to flotation. Heikinheimo P. The "Three Metal Ion Mechanism" of Inorganic Pyrophospha tases. - Turku, 1997. - var. pag. - (Turun Yliopiston Julkaisuja. Sar. A.1. Astronomica - chemica - physica - mathematica; 223).

Pr 1069/223

156. Apoptosis / Ed. by Kuchino Y., Mueller W.E.G. - B. etc.: Springer, 1998. - 149 S. - (Progress in molecular a. Subcellular biology; 16).


157. Biotechnology in the pulp and paper industry / Ed. by Eriksson K.-E.L. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1997. - 339 p.: ill. - (Advances in biochem. engineering biotechnology; 57).

Pr 1072-57

158. New enzymes for organic synthesis: screening, supply and engineering. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1997. - 239 p.: ill. - (Advances in biochem. engineering biotechnology; 58).

Pr 1072-58

159. Bartel J.M.G. et al. Physical chemistry of electrolyte solutions: modern aspects. - Berlin et al.: Springer, 1998. - 401 p. - (Topics in physical chemistry; Vol.5).


160. Reactivity of Molecular Solids /Inst. of State Chemistry & Mechanochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences & Novosibirsk State University. - NY and oth.: J. Wiley & Sons,Ltd, 1999. - 328 p. - (The molecular solid state; V.3).

Pr 1074-3
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