Seibert Ph.S. Design, development an evaluation of novel strategies for gene targeting projects: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat (Dresden, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSeibert Ph.S. Design, development an evaluation of novel strategies for gene targeting projects: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 2010. - 113 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.108-111.

Оглавление / Contents
1   Introduction ................................................ 1
    1.1   Overview of a gene targeting project .................. 1
    1.2   Genome engineering via homologous recombination ....... 2
    1.3   The design of targeting constructs .................... 3
          1.3.1   Positive and negative selection strategies .... 4
          1.3.2   Counter selection strategies .................. 4
          1.3.3   Promoterless cassettes to enrich for
                  targeted clones ............................... 5
          1.3.4   Polycistronic targeting vectors ............... 5
    1.4   Allele Design ......................................... 6
          1.4.1   Expression alleles ............................ 7
          1.4.2   Constitutive knockout alleles ................. 7
          1.4.3   Site-specific recombination and the FLEx
                  switch ........................................ 9
          1.4.4   Conditional knockout alleles ................. 10
    1.5   The generation of targeting constructs by
          recombineering ....................................... 13
    1.6   Screening strategies ................................. 14
2   Material and methods ....................................... 15
    2.1   Technical equipment .................................. 15
    2.2   Consumable materials ................................. 16
    2.3   Chemicals, Kits and Enzymes .......................... 16
    2.4   Antibiotics .......................................... 17
    2.5   Radioactive material ................................. 18
    2.6   Solutions, Buffers and Media ......................... 18
    2.7   Antibodies ........................................... 21
    2.8   Synthetic oligonucleotides ........................... 22
    2.9   Plasmids ............................................. 25
    2.10  Cell lines ........................................... 25
    2.11  Bacterial strains .................................... 26
    2.12  Methods .............................................. 27
          2.12.1  Cultivation of bacteria ...................... 27
          2.12.2  Preparation and transformation of
                  electrocompetent cells ....................... 27
          2.12.3  Retransformation of plasmid DNA .............. 27
          2.12.4  Small-scale preparation of plasmid DNA ....... 28
          2.12.5  Large-scale preparation of plasmid DNA ....... 28
          2.12.6  Restriction digest ........................... 28
          2.12.7  Ethanol precipitation ........................ 28
          2.12.8  Standard, proofreading and long range PCR
                  (LRPCR) amplification ........................ 29
          2.12.9  Colony PCR screening ......................... 29
          2.12.10 Purification of PCR products ................. 29
          2.12.11 Phenol-chloroform extraction ................. 30
          2.12.12 Dephosphorylation and Ligation ............... 30
          2.12.13 Agarose gel electrophoresis .................. 30
          2.12.14 Gel purification of DNA fragments from
                  agarose gels ................................. 30
          2.12.15 DNA sequencing ............................... 30
          2.12.16 Extraction of RNA from ES cells .............. 31
          2.12.17 cDNA Synthesis and RTPCR ..................... 31
          2.12.18 DNA extraction from ES cells ................. 31
          2.12.19 Southern blotting ............................ 32
          2.12.20 Generation of radiolabeled DNA probes ........ 32
          2.12.21 Southern hybridization of radiolabeled DNA
                  probes ....................................... 32
          2.12.22 Recombineering proficient bacterial cells
                  for electroporation .......................... 33
          2.12.23 Cultivation of ES cells ...................... 33
          2.12.24 Freezing of ES cells ......................... 34
          2.12.25 Electroporation of ES cells .................. 34
          2.12.26 Hprt selection assay ......................... 34
          2.12.27 ES cell colony assay ......................... 34
          2.12.28 Protein extraction from ES cells (Mini
                  Nuclear Extracts) ............................ 35
          2.12.29 Separation of proteins on polyacrylamide
                  gels ......................................... 35
          2.12.30 Western blot analysis ........................ 36
3   Hprt targeting with asymmetrical targeting constructs ...... 37
    3.1   Introduction ......................................... 37
    3.2   Results .............................................. 40
          3.2.1   Cloning of the constructs for the targeting
                  of the Hprt gene ............................. 40
          3.2.2   Generation of LongRange PCR amplified
                  targeting constructs ......................... 44
          3.2.3   Targeting of the Hprt gene in Rl ES cells .... 47
    3.3   Discussion ........................................... 55
          3.3.1   Subcloning by recombineering of two linear
                  PCR fragments ................................ 55
          3.3.2   Generation of targeting constructs
                  containing PCR amplified homology arms ....... 56
          3.3.3   Generation of PCR amplified targeting
                  constructs ................................... 57
          3.3.4   Knockout of Hprt in Rl ES cells with LRPCR
                  amplified targeting constructs ............... 57
          3.3.5   The methylation of targeting construct DNA ... 58
          3.3.6   The effect of a counter selection cassette ... 59
          3.3.7   Counter selection is dispensable for
                  promoterless targeting construct ............. 61
          3.3.8   Summary and outlook .......................... 61
4   Novel conditional knockout cassettes ....................... 63
    4.1   Introduction ......................................... 63
          4.1.1   The FLEX cassette ............................ 64
          4.1.2   The TIM cassette ............................. 65
    4.2   Results: FLEX ........................................ 66
          4.2.1   Cloning of a Phf8 - FLEX targeting
                  construct .................................... 66
          4.2.2   Targeting of the Phf8 gene with the FLEX
                  cassette ..................................... 68
          4.2.3   Analysis of the Phf8 - FLEX allele after
                  Cre-mediated inversion ....................... 68
    4.3   Discussion: FLEX ..................................... 72
          4.3.1   The FLEX cassette is a "conditional-first"
                  kockdown cassette ............................ 73
    4.4   Results: TIM ......................................... 74
          4.4.1   Cloning of a Phf8 - TIM targeting
                  construct .................................... 74
          4.4.2   Targeting Phf8 in E14TG2a ES cells with the
                  TIM cassette ................................. 80
          4.4.3   Long range PCR screening of Phf8 TIM
                  candidates ................................... 81
    4.5   Discussion: TIM ...................................... 81
          4.5.1   Cloning of the TIM cassette .................. 82
          4.5.2   Targeting with the TIM cassette is not
                  a promoterless strategy ...................... 82
5   Novel applications for recombineering with RecE and RecT ... 84
    5.1   Introduction ......................................... 84
    5.2   Results: One-step generation of a targeting
          construct ............................................ 86
          5.2.1   E.coli strains for 3PCR recombineering ....... 87
          5.2.2   Cloning of a human 0ct4-EGFP targeting
                  construct by 3PCR recombineering ............. 88
    5.3   Discussion: One-step generation of a targeting
          construct ............................................ 90
    5.4   Results: Direct cloning of RTPCRs .................... 91
          5.4.1   Cloning of a R6K plasmid containing
                  the Hprt minigene ............................ 92
          5.4.2   Cloning of a jarid1b expression plasmid ...... 93
    5.5   Discussion: Direct cloning of RTPCRs ................. 95
6   Summary and conclusions .................................... 96
    6.1   Hprt targeting with asymmetrical targeting
          constructs ........................................... 96
          6.1.1   Generation of the targeting constructs ....... 97
          6.1.2   Hprt targeting experiments ................... 98
    6.2   Novel conditional knockout cassettes ................. 99
          6.2.1   The FLEX cassette ........................... 100
          6.2.2   The TIM cassette ............................ 101
    6.3   Novel applications for recombineering with RecE
          and RecT ............................................ 102
          6.3.1   The generation of an isogenic subclone for
                  gene targeting .............................. 103
          6.3.2   One-step generation of a targeting
                  construct ................................... 104
          6.3.3   Direct cloning of RTPCRs .................... 104
          6.3.4   Outlook ..................................... 105
7   Abbreviations ............................................. 106
8   References ................................................ 108
9   Acknowledgements .......................................... 112
10  Statement of originality .................................. 113

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