FindEcon monograph series: Advances in financial market analysis; 7 (Lodz, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFindEcon monograph series: Advances in financial market analysis. Financial markets: principles of modelling, forecasting and decision-making. N 7 / ed. by W.Milo, G.Szafrański, P.Wdowiński. - Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2009. - 201 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-83-7525-302-3

Оглавление / Contents
(Włactysław Milo, Grzegorz Szafrański and Piotr Wdowiński) ...... 7

Part One: Statistical and Econometric Methods in Finance

1  Stock Price and Volume Relation at the Warsaw Stock
   Exchange (Paweł Milobędzki) ................................. 11
   1.1  Introduction ........................................... 11
   1.2  Methodology of the Stock Price-Volume Relation
        Analysis ............................................... 13
   1.3  Testing for the Nature of the Stock Price-Volume
        Relation at the WSE .................................... 15
   1.4  Conclusion ............................................. 17
   Appendix .................................................... 17
   Reference ................................................... 20
2  Testing for Second-Order LSTR Cointegration - Some
   Simulation and Empirical Results (Joanna Bruzda) ............ 23
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 23
   2.2  Testing for 2LSTR Cointegration ........................ 24
   2.3  Simulation Analysis .................................... 32
   2.4  Empirical Example ...................................... 35
   2.5  Conclusions ............................................ 37
   References .................................................. 38
3  The Impact of Conditional Skewness Assumption on the
   Relation between Risk and Return. Bayesian Analysis for
   WIG Data (Mateusz Pipień) ................................... 41
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 41
   3.2  Creating Asymmetric Distributions ...................... 43
   3.3  Basic Model Framework and Competing Skewed
        Conditional Distributions .............................. 47
   3.4  Empirical Results for WIG Data ......................... 52
   3.5  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 56
   References .................................................. 57
4  Financial Applications of Random Matrix Theory -
   Covariance Matrix Filtering Techniques (Małgorzata
   Snarska) .................................................... 59
   4.1  Portfolio Problem in Finance. Markowitz Solution vs.
        Noise .................................................. 59
   4.2  Random Matrix Theory and Finance ....................... 59
        4.2.1.Spectral Densities of Estimators for Symmetric
              Squared Matrices ................................. 60
        4.2.2. Spectral Densities of Estimators for Non-
               Symmetric (Rectangular) Matrices ................ 61
   4.3  Empirical Correlation Matrices ......................... 62
        4.3.1  Equal-Time Correlation Matrices ................. 63
        4.3.2  EWMA Correlation Matrix ......................... 65
        4.3.3  Non-Equal Time Correlation Matrices and Cross
               Correlations .................................... 66
        4.3.4  Filtering Techniques - A Comparison ............. 68
   4.4  Summary - Open Questions and Problems under
        Investigation .......................................... 69
   References .................................................. 69
5  Forecasting Wholesale Electricity Prices: A Review of Time
   Series Models (Rafał Weron) ................................. 71
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 71
   5.2  The Data and Base Model ................................ 72
   5.3  Model Extensions ....................................... 75
   5.4  Empirical Results ...................................... 77
   5.5  Conclusions ............................................ 81
   References .................................................. 81

                   Part Two: Modelling Stock Returns

6  Dynamics of Conditional Bivariate Distribution's Shape
   Parameters: The Case of Central Europe Stock Market
   Returns (Ryszard Doman) ..................................... 85
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 85
   6.2  Co-Skewness and Co-Kurtosis of Market Returns .......... 86
   6.3  Multivariative Model for Shape Parameters' Dynamics .... 87
   6.4  Conditional Co-Skewness and Co-Kurtosis ................ 89
   6.5  The Data ............................................... 91
   6.6  Empirical Results ...................................... 92
   6.7  Conclusions ............................................ 99
   References .................................................. 99
7  Using Realized Volatility in Estimating Diffusion Models
   (Piotr Płuciennik) ......................................... 101
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   7.2  Methods of Estimating Diffusion Processes ............. 102
        7.2.1  Realized Volatility ............................ 102
        7.2.2  Basic Methods of Estimating Parameters of
               a Diffusion Process ............................ 103
        7.2.3  A Two-Stage Method of Estimating Diffusion
               Processes ...................................... 105
   7.3  Data .................................................. 107
   7.4  Empirical Results ..................................... 108
   7.5  Monte Carlo Simulation ................................ 109
   7.6  Conclusions ........................................... 110
   References ................................................. 110

                 Part Three: Derivative Instruments

8  Foreign Currency Futures and Spot Market Dynamics:
   Specificity and Linkages (Małgorzata Doman) ................ 113
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 113
   8.2  The Data .............................................. 114
   8.3  GARCH Models .......................................... 115
   8.4  DCC Model ............................................. 116
   8.5  Empirical Results ..................................... 117
   8.6  Conclusions ........................................... 125
   References ................................................. 125
9  Bayesian Analysis of Options on WIG20 Index under
   Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic Interest Rates
   (Anna Pajor) ............................................... 127
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 127
   9.2  Bayesian Bivariate SV Model ........................... 128
   9.3  Application to Bayesian Option Pricing ................ 130
   9.4  Empirical Results ..................................... 131
        9.4.1  Posterior Results for the Conditional
               Correlation Coefficients ....................... 133
        9.4.2  Posterior Results for Individual
               Volatilities ................................... 134
        9.4.3  Bayesian Forecasting of the Discounted Payoff
               of European Call Options on WIG20 Index ........ 135
   9.5  Conclusions ........................................... 141
   References ................................................. 141

                    Part Four: Portfolio Selection

10 Immunization Conditions and Immunization Risk for
   a Fixed-Income Portfolio (Joanna Klimkowska) ............... 145
   10.1 Immunization Conditions-A Brief Introduction .......... 145
   10.2 Lower Bound on the End Value of the Portfolio ......... 147
   10.3 Optimal Portfolio Selection ........................... 150
   Appendix ................................................... 153
   References ................................................. 155
11 Forecasting Portfolio Return Based on Bayesian Network
   Model (Joanna Olbryś) ...................................... 157
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 157
   11.2 Bayesian Networks ..................................... 158
   11.3 A Bayesian Network Model of Multi-Factor Portfolio
        Return ................................................ 160
   11.4 Entering Evidence ..................................... 167
   11.5 Conclusions ........................................... 170
   References ................................................. 170
12 The Application of the Theory of Games for Purpose of
   Making a Choice of Portfolio (Anna Sroczyńska-Baron) ....... 173
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 173
   12.2 Optimal Strategy for the Market Player - Some
        Remarks ............................................... 174
   12.3 The Game-Portfolio .................................... 176
   12.4 The Analysis of the Game - Portfolio as
        a Cooperative Game .................................... 178
   12.5 The Choice of Portfolio with the Measures: The
        Expected Return and the Standard Deviation ............ 181
   12.6 Conclusions ........................................... 182
   References ................................................. 182
13 Malliavin Calculus Approach to the Optimal Portfolio
   Choice in the Model with Vasicek (1977) Interest Rate
   (Anna Gutkowska) ........................................... 185
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 185
   13.2 Optimal Portfolio Choice Problem ...................... 186
   13.3 Optimal Portfolio Value at Terminal Date by
        Martingale Method ..................................... 188
   13.4 Optimal Portfolio Components by Malliavin Calculus
        Approach .............................................. 190
   13.5 Approximating Optimal Portfolio Components by Monte
        Carlo Simulation ...................................... 192
   13.6 Financial Market Model ................................ 193
   13.7 Portfolio Components Optimal for CRRA Utility ......... 194
   13.8 Optimal Portfolio for HARA Utility .................... 196
   13.9 Numerical Example ..................................... 198
   13.10 Monte Carlo Simulation ............................... 199
   13.11 Conclusions .......................................... 200
   References ................................................. 201

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